These general conditions of sale, in their current formulation at the time of the order, govern the online sales contracts stipulated between Ionà S.r.l. and the consumer and/or professional through the website
Any sale made through the aforementioned site, for anything not expressly provided for in this contract, is governed by Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, n. 70, act of transposition into Italian law of Directive 2000/31/EC "relating to certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the internal market" and, if in favor of a "consumer" , is governed by the Consumer Code, Legislative Decree No. 206/2005, articles 49 to 67, and, in any case, the provisions of Legislative Decree no. Legislative Decree June 30, 2003, No. 196 and by the General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data EU No. 619/2016 ("GDPR") and the contents of Law 196/2003 and subsequent amendments.
VAT number 02116030798
The purchases of the products, described online in the relative technical data sheets, are made by the customer at the price indicated on the site. When ordering or receiving a quote, in addition to the price, the following will be specified:
• transport costs which depend on weight, volume and place of delivery;
• packing costs.
The sales prices indicated on the website are expressed in euros (€) and include VAT. It is possible that for some products, there may be additional packaging and shipping costs, which cannot be determined at the time of the order; it will be the responsibility of to promptly notify the customer of these supplements, who will be able to decide whether to confirm or cancel the order.
In the event of an error, will notify the buyer as soon as possible, allowing confirmation of the order at the right amount or cancellation. In any case, there will be no obligation for ionahomestore,cpm to supply what is sold at the lower price incorrectly indicated.
The online sales contract is stipulated either by filling in the electronic order form on the website, or by requesting a quote by e-mail, and, in both cases, is considered concluded upon full receipt of the payment procedure.
Customers must carefully read the Terms of Sale on the website and check their content before concluding the contract.
The moment of receipt and validation of the order and the complete completion of the payment procedure will coincide with the moment of conclusion of the contract and will involve the full acceptance of the Conditions of Sale, as published on the site. It should be noted that the contract is finalized with full payment of the price, but is subject to the suspensive condition of ascertaining the total availability of the goods at the Ionà SRL and supplier warehouses.
In the event that does not have the availability of the goods purchased on the site by the customer and has already received payment, it will immediately and, in any case, no later than 48 hours from receipt of the credit, notify the customer of this circumstance and to reimburse him for the amount paid. In this case, the customer, as an alternative to a refund, may opt, where possible, for a replacement product.
After 5 days from the date of the order confirmation, in the absence of receipt by of the payment, under the terms and conditions indicated, the order will be canceled and cancelled, without any notice
Any changes to the order after payment are not guaranteed. after evaluating the progress of the order, will eventually authorize the changes.
The billing data can only be changed before the shipment of the goods.
During the order confirmation phase, the customer, for personal needs, can request that the delivery of the goods be carried out postponed, on a date pre-established by him, but authorized by
The customer can give notice within and no later than 3 days of any cancellation of the order. In the case of goods already prepared and soon to be shipped, the customer will be asked for an amount for storage/warehouse costs and/or logistics costs equal to 100 euros.
SHIPPING AND DELIVERY METHODS offers 2 shipping and delivery methods, as follows:
• Home delivery: delivery will be made by specialized international transport companies, to the address indicated , in the order phase, by the customer.
Preventive phone calls are not guaranteed and requests for shipments at particular times are not managed. The couriers carry out the transport and delivery of the products only during weekdays, and it is time slot and, therefore, a specific time cannot be agreed cannot be held responsible for the consequences due to any delay in delivery or loss or damage to the order by the courier.
• Withdrawal in depot: in the case of tiles, the customer has the option of collecting the goods directly from some depots indicated by us, paying only a small sum for the logistics of the goods.
The unloading of the goods at the Customer's premises must take place on the roadside, near the house number, in the most suitable place for unloading and accessible to means of transport, where parking of the vehicle itself is permitted.
For certain products, such as the deliveries of large slabs of tiles, unloading from the truck is not foreseen, which will be the responsibility of the customer and will be liable for damages caused by the Customer if the latter, personally and/or through its auxiliaries, provide for the unloading of the goods. Disposal of the pallets and packaging used for delivery are the sole responsibility of the Customer.
If it is not possible to reach the address indicated by the customer due to ZTL, impediments or particular conditions related to access routes, roads with a high degree of slope, limitations due to the Highway Code, the delivery will be made to the closest point ( than the address indicated by the customer) to allow the vehicle to access and stop (however, no porterage service is provided at the street address).
When filling in the information relating to the delivery of the Goods, the Customer must specify whether the chosen place is not easily accessible by means of transport and/or has particular impediments and/or limitations (e.g., access bans, parking bans and stop , inaccessibility of the road for vehicles equipped with tail lifts, etc.) for transport purposes. The consideration for the transport will therefore be formulated on the basis of the information provided by the Customer and will take into account the increase in costs due to delivery difficulties. The Customer will always be free to refuse the proposed price and to cancel the purchase before it is concluded.
Requests for porterage are not foreseen and are not accepted (for example: delivery of the goods in front of the entrance and/or in the atrium of the building, in the garage, in the private courtyard area, on the upper or lower floors).
Each additional service must be requested and paid for before delivery.
The customer obviously remains free to negotiate the delivery transport with the Transporter in the manner described above, fully bearing the costs and risks.
Shipments travel insured.
Upon delivery of the goods by the carrier, the customer is obliged to check the condition of the packaging and check that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated on the transport document.
To obtain any compensation for any damage or the replacement of the goods, in the presence of the person in charge of the delivery it is necessary to accept the goods by putting on the courier's note, next to the signature, the wording "Acceptance with reserve" specifying the status of the shipment when you receive it, examples follow:
- Package intact, I accept goods subject to inspection
- Wet neck, I accept goods subject to inspection
- Neck dented, I accept goods subject to inspection
- Package tampered with, I accept goods subject to inspection
- Package damaged, I accept goods subject to inspection
- Missing goods or packages not corresponding to the document, I accept goods subject to inspection
Therefore, in the absence of "Conditional acceptance" of the goods, complaints cannot be taken into consideration and it will not be possible to start the procedures for a replacement. Any problems relating to the products received must be reported no later than 3 days after delivery (the date shown on the courier's DDT will prevail) by providing a copy of the document signed "with reserve", a photo certifying the damage and details of the same.
Only by following these instructions will the customer ensure the replacement or reimbursement of the value of the damaged goods.
In the absence of such documentation, it will not, under any circumstances, be possible to open a report of damage and/or a refund procedure.
There will be no replacements of goods, but only a refund will be provided for a quantity of goods that arrived damaged, less than 30% of the total order.
The products will be delivered, indicactively, according to the terms indicated in article 61 of the Consumer Code, starting from the order confirmation, but in any case the conditions referred to in points 2) and 7) of the present conditions of the site remain unchanged
The date of delivery of the goods (heavy load) will be fixed by agreement between the customer and the carrier.
- If the Customer intends to postpone the delivery, any storage costs will be at his expense. It should be noted that the delivery is at a time slot, therefore a specific time cannot be agreed.
The carrier, on the agreed date, will make only one delivery attempt. If the delivery does not take place, due to absence or in any case due to causes due to the Customer, the goods will return to the carrier's warehouse; it will be the Customer's concern to contact the carrier and agree with the same the methods for collecting the material from the latter's depot.
Alternatively, the Customer can contact ionahomestore to arrange a new delivery at his expense and in this case, the customer must, before the new delivery, reimburse ionahomestore for the costs of storage and the costs of returning the goods.
No responsibility can be attributed to ionahomestore for delayed or non-delivery of orders, due to force majeure, such as: negative meteorological events, authority measures, pandemics, earthquakes, etc.
INFORMATION ON PRODUCTS AND TECHNICAL DATA SHEETS periodically checks and reviews the contents of the site, in order to offer ever greater precision. However, it must be emphasized that there is a burden of verification, also for the customer.
The customer must ascertain the descriptive contents of the products, especially for those details that he should consider decisive for the purchase and essential to his satisfaction. The customer is also required to read the entire Product Sheet of the supplier and to observe the Catalog carefully.
Manufacturers may make technical modifications to the products offered that are not capable of significantly altering the aesthetics of the products and their use.
These variations cannot in any way be a prerequisite for termination of the contract due to "non-compliance" as the "name of the product" cannot be considered a fundamental element of the value offered to the consumer by the product itself or in any case an element that manages to condition the contractual will .
The photographs depicting the products on sale, the technical data sheets and product descriptions are provided by the partners and/or suppliers of and, therefore, any discrepancies or disputes in this regard cannot be considered the responsibility of, the which declines any responsibility regarding the content of the same.
The buyer The customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within and no later than 5 days from the purchase, if the goods have not already been shipped.
It is not possible to request cancellations and/or returns if the goods have already been collected by the transport company.
Returns are not guaranteed, but we will look into each case individually.
The user who intends to exercise the right of withdrawal from the purchase can send an email, indicating the order number and user name, to:
The ionahomestore will proceed to communicate the delivery address of the goods.
The goods must be returned intact, in the original packaging, complete in all its parts and complete with the attached tax documentation. Without prejudice to the right to verify compliance with the above, Ionahomestore will refund the amount of the products subject to withdrawal within a maximum period of 14 days, excluding the initial delivery costs. All the shipping costs for returning the goods to our warehouse (or to the address that ionahomestore will provide after the return authorization) are charged to the user.
Orders with open, damaged packaging, used goods and/or goods not returned in their original packaging will not be refunded.
The costs of returning the goods are always charged to the customer.
As foreseen by the art. 56 paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree 206/2005, amended by Legislative Decree 21/2014, ionahomestore can suspend the refund until receipt and control of the goods.
The refund will be exclusive of delivery costs (and of redelivery which will be charged to the customer) and net of the costs of checking the goods and/or unpacking and repackaging. The value of the refund will be equal to 80% of the goods only, after the appropriate checks.
Ionahomestore will refund using the same payment method chosen by the buyer during the purchase. In the case of payment made by bank transfer, and if the buyer intends to exercise his right of withdrawal, he must provide the bank details: IBAN, SWIFT and BIC necessary for the refund to be made.
The right of withdrawal does NOT apply to goods made to measure or clearly personalized or produced and/or made under the customer's request.
By using the site, the user authorizes the processing of his personal data. This information is also valid for the purposes of article 13 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
The data controller is Iona' s.r.l.
The data processor, appointed by the owner, is Ionà s.r.l.
The data is processed exclusively electronically, using IT tools and supports to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data. The stored information is protected from unauthorized access.
The data provided by users relating to purchase orders, payments (which may contain name, address, contact details), IP address, all other communicated data is processed.
The purpose of using this data is the execution of the purchase order and payments, the communication of the data to third party suppliers of payment and shipping services as well as contacts of an informative nature regarding the activities and services of the site, commercial offers from affiliated companies and commercial partners.
The provision of data and consent to processing for the purposes referred to in the contract or the fulfillment of the order and the related payment is necessary for the conclusion itself as well as for the execution of the contract, therefore the refusal to provide such data or to lend the consent to the relative treatment results in the impossibility for the user to purchase the products and services offered.
The provision of data and consent to processing for the purposes of commercial communications are optional. However, any refusal to provide such data or to give consent to the related processing may result in the impossibility for the user to receive such additional services.
The user, in order for his data to be updated, corrected or integrated, always has the right to cancel, transform into anonymous form or block data processed in violation of the law, including data whose conservation is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data have been collected or subsequently processed, the attestation that the operations have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.
The user has the right to object, in whole or in part, to the processing of personal data concerning him for legitimate reasons, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection and processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising or sales material directly or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.
The user can also revoke the consent to the processing of personal data previously given to Domita at any time.
All rights provided for by EU Regulation 2016/679 can be exercised by the user by writing to the following email:
The hard disk collects information on user preferences, such as applied search filters or other, and stores the site pages visited. The relative cookies generated and saved are used in order to prevent the user from receiving the same information repeatedly and to adapt the content and presentation of the site to the user's browser type.
Each request for information can be sent in the following ways:
Telephone: +39 0961 967822
WhatsApp: +39 0961 967822
Mail to the address:
IONA' SRL s.r.l.
The sales contract concluded pursuant to these General Conditions is governed by Italian law. Orders and these General Conditions are governed by Italian law and will therefore be interpreted on the basis of it.
For any and all disputes relating to the interpretation, execution and termination of the sales contract, concluded in accordance with these general conditions, the court of Catanzaro will be exclusively competent.
In the event that the Customer has acted and concluded the contract as a Consumer, for purposes unrelated to the business or professional activity carried out, the court of the place where the Customer has his residence or domicile will be competent, if located in the territory of the State Italian, or, at the Client's choice, the Court of Catanzaro.
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are drawn up in Italian, English, German, French and, in the event of interpretative doubts, the Italian version will prevail.